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Film & TV
Boomer's avatar

I'll be honest, I'm a little sad John Krasinski isn't returning, as I think his brief cameo in Multiverse of Madness was...fantastic!

That being said, the character clearly has some dimension-bending tech, so what would stop them from co-existing? Not sure that's the approach, but I really do think he nailed it.

Also, Ebon Moss-Bachrach was the absolute standout character for me in The Bear, and I loved him across from Jon Bernthal in Punisher.


I'll be cautiously optimistic about this. If this is another full-origin story, I will never watch the movie. I think it's well-known enough that it's no longer needed and we had the 2005 and 2015 movies showing how they get their powers. Let's just dive right into something happening to them after having their powers for a while.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Wow, it was 2015 that the last one came out! Time flies. I hear you though, I'm definitely suffering from superhero origin story fatigue.

Boomer's avatar

Yeah I think that's fair. They've done a pretty good job soft-introducing some characters, and as they're a core group, they can probably breeze past the Fantastic Four origin!

I'd love it if they followed either Dr Doom or Silver Surfer for 80% of the film, and only introduced the Fantastic Four at the end.

Wings's avatar

Agreed - there's so many great comics storylines that centre on their lives way beyond the origin of their powers. I'd love to see them really get into the other aspects of Reed's personality too. I feel like the movies have just previously just shown him as a little arrogant but its okay because his smarts will save the day. The comics often get a lot closer to 'actually the day needs saving because Reed's unbelievable arrogance never made him question whether he should just because he could!'

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

How many times are we going to do this, its like Batman reboots non stop, let it die already lol

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Aha, people say that with Star Wars too. And as many issues as I've had with recent Star Wars movies and series, I don't want them to stop. I just want more even if it's naff.


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