Tell us about a hidden gem on Netflix for $1
Have you ever found yourself searching through the Netflix library for the umpteenth time hoping you'll stumble across a gem? We suspect the answer is yes. While most of the time, we'll just settle for a rewatch of a beloved show, on occasion we get lucky and strike gold.
For this bounty, we're looking for Netflix's hidden gems (not to be confused with the Adam Sandler film, Uncut Gems). That is to say, we're after recommendations for Netflix films and shows that get buried deep down in its library.
This is what you need to know:
It can be a film or a show
It can be any genre
It must be on Netflix somewhere right now
Tell us why it's worth a watch and why you don't think it received more attention
If there's a trailer (ideally from the original rights holder), share that too
We're only looking for films and shows on Netflix, but we might re-run this bounty for other streaming platforms
already paid
$12 / 20
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