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Film & TV
Rupert's avatar

I think a special shout out for his recent prolific output. Obviously not his best, but I enjoyed Pig, Dream Scenario and The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent!

Some interesting bits here:

Horror and Cats's avatar

I watched Pig and Dream Scenario. I liked Dream Scenario a LOT. I thought Pig was a horror movie, so I was pretty confused for the first half, but then once I realized it wasn’t and my expectations reset, it was super powerful. I remember texting my sister “dude, a nick cage movie almost made me cry.”

Thomas's avatar

I love Nicolas Cage!

My favourite Nic Cage film is probably Wild at Heart. I'm a big David Lynch fanboy anyway, but I think it's one of Nic Cage's most fun performances, and Laura Dern and Willem Dafoe are great in it, too.

I'd also have to give a shout out to Bad Lieutenant. It's so bonkers and he's absolutely perfect in it

Horror and Cats's avatar

Id never seen it so I looked it up and Nick Cage’s character “served time for a self defense killing.” Isn’t that EXACTLY why he was in prison in Con Air too? I’ll have to watch this one

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Con Air is the best film he ever made IMO, best conversation in that film?

Cyrus the Virus: Thanks Poe. You've proven to be a most useful mammal.

Cameron Poe: "Many hands make light work." My daddy taught me that.

Cyrus: You know what my daddy taught me?

Poe: What's that?

Cyrus: Nothin'.

Poe: Self-educated man.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Con Air was definitely up there on my list haha. What a ride

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Such a good line that one, but then imo cage is a great actor n people hate on him for no reason.

Konquest's avatar

Mine is Face/Off, Con Air and The Rock. Nick Cage is a truly versatile actor with a wide range of talents but he also has depth when he needs to.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Definitely the classic triple feature I think of when I think of him haha

MargotCandy's avatar

I have a bit of a hate hate relationship with Nicholas Cage but I can’t even remember why anymore.

As much as he’s been in some iconic films I’d have to say I thoroughly enjoyed “The unbearable weight of massive talent”.

It was just what I needed to watch at the time and it was silly and didn’t take itself seriously. I always felt like he takes himself too seriously so I enjoyed him in this a lot more.


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