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Film & TV
Horror and Cats's avatar

Super excited for Arcadian and Sting to come to streaming.

Makster's avatar

I need to catch Dune pt 2 in the cinema before it goes out of it. I've waited a bit to avoid some of the crowds. Apart from that I'm trying to find some evenings to do some more Fallout TV Series with my partner but she works shifts so its hard to get some quality time with each other.

I've not watched a lot of the animated Star Wars stuff but I think it's the art style that doesn't appeal to me. Makes me think of that animated film set in the clone wars with Asoka, Anakin, Obi Wan escorting a baby Jabba or something

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I haven't seen Dune Part 2 yet either. But I rewatched the first one at the weekend in anticipation of it, and I'm really happy that I did. I enjoyed and appreciated it so much more the second time! There are so many masterful, stunning shots!

And I know what you mean when it comes to the Star Wars animation style, but it hasn't stopped me enjoying the others. There are some great plots and characters. Plus, Tales of the Empire is only six episodes long and I'm a glutton for anything Star Wars.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Not really a fan of dubbed things I have to say but that new Star Wars you showed looks sick, have made a note of it, I have such a massive list of things to watch lol.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Same here! And it's become even longer since the dawn of Just About Film & TV!

Horror and Cats's avatar

Oh and a special shoutout to Attack of the Meth Gator. Cocaine Bear was great... this doesn't look great but you better believe I'll watch it.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I'd ask what's next, but I think they might have finally reached peak ridiculous. (Yes, I will also now be watching that.)

Horror and Cats's avatar

I think the next step would be like, PCP Pandas. Next step would be MULTIPLE of the same animal. The natural evolution (like Alien to Aliens).

The plot could be like, panda keepers try to give the animals an virility boost to procreate but instead, they go nuts and hunt down a rag tag group of animal activists who break into the zoo after hours.


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