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Film & TV
Nicole's avatar

Great video, Horror and Cats! The full body gasp I went through for the flight 180 reveal. I love both the Saw and Final Destination franchises, even the objectively terrible ones because they are just amusingly bad, because you still know the moment where they really 'did a thing' is coming.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Haha yeah some of the entries in both have been less than spectacular, but the base for them is limitless darkside creativity which I really dig. Final Destination 2 is probably my favorite. So many unnecessary phobias thanks to that one!

Nicole's avatar

I was driving a few weeks ago and a logging lorry merged onto the road a ways up ahead. Me and two other cars infront of me immediately shifted across a lane in a move that I can only describe as Final Destination Millennial

Horror and Cats's avatar

The bottle under the brake pedal is also one I’m basically always watching out for. Even when tiny things fall at my feet I’m like “great, I’m dead”


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