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Film & TV
Boomer's avatar

Great minds think alike! 😄 Maybe you'd like to take part in...

It's a watch at your leisure then join our discussion sort of thing. Like a book club for various media and instead of at someone's house it's on our platform 😁

I've never seen Duel but the IMDB description sounds very familiar!

A business commuter is pursued and terrorized by the malevolent driver of a massive tractor-trailer.

This sounds like if you blended Falling Down and Mad Max together then filmed it way out in the countryside 😂

Nicole's avatar

I watched The Pagemaster so much as a kid and I’m constantly surprised by the number of people who have never heard of it. It was amazing (although admittedly it’s even a while so I don’t know how well it’s aged).

Boomer's avatar

I loved The Pagemaster! I've never met anyone outside of my family that's seen it 😆

Horror and Cats's avatar

Duel was a formative movie for my paranoia lmao


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