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Rich's avatar

I'm a bit mixed on this.

It's certainly a big departure from the bleak and gritty Snyderverse, with a lot more colour, extravagant monsters, and... Krypto the superdog. It almost looks like a trailer for a movie of the Silver Age of comics. I like James Gunn (and Zack Snyder, for the record) and am intrigued, but not sure I'm convinced just yet.

There's no question whatsoever to me, though, that the John Williams theme is the right call. It's one of the all-time great film scores and a scientifically unimprovable fit for Superman as a character. I hope they use it in its original arrangement during the actual movie rather than this weird guitar thing, though I get why they feel they have to give it its own identity in the marketing.

Rixx Javix's avatar

It is just a teaser for now and we'll have to wait for the full trailer to really get a true sense of the film. But I am at least optimistic. The real truth comes out with the story, the character interactions, the emotional journey and a teaser isn't about any of those things. But there are elements present that give us some visual hope at least.

Fingers crossed.

Boomer's avatar

Krypto could have easily looked too silly for a live-action film, but in my opinion they've totally pulled it off! I hope the next trailer focuses a little more on the other characters, but based on this trailer I'm all in!

Without spoiling anything, has anything been shared regarding the plot? If not, what are the chances they'll still give us his origin story? Is Krypto enough to justify an origin, or are audiences familiar enough to just dive right into the action?

Also, how weird is it seeing director of the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy on a DC film? 😝

Rixx Javix's avatar

I'm not sure about the origin, although from what I've been hearing the consensus seems to be it is a lot like Batman's origin at this point. Reveal it through normal character interactions, but don't make it yet another big part of the story. Audiences have seen it enough. So I suspect it will be threaded into the story and not be a separate opening sequence.

Rixx Javix's avatar

“We do have a battered Superman in the beginning. That is our country. I believe in the goodness of human beings, and I believe that most people in this country, despite their ideological beliefs, their politics, are doing their best to get by and be good people — despite what it may seem like to the other side, no matter what that other side might be. This movie is about that. It’s about the basic kindness of human beings, and that it can be seen as uncool and under siege [by] some of the darker voices are some of the louder voices.” - James Gunn

Rixx Javix's avatar

"He has friends who are other superheroes. He has people he doesn’t get along as well with who are other superheroes. He has a lot of the things that we love from the Superman comics that we haven’t been able to see as much of in filmed media, and definitely haven’t been able to see in a grounded way, which is what I hope we’ve created." - James Gunn

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

No, no and no, this has been done to death, there are thousands of other comics they can make films on and still, always come back to the same ones, a serious lack of creativity.

The trailer was just the same, Lex Vs him, Louis in danger and him to the rescue, it's just boring now.

We are just doomed to Spiderman and Superman remakes every year.

Boomer's avatar

I really enjoyed it. I hope Rixx is right about the origin story:

Reveal it through normal character interactions, but don't make it yet another big part of the story

I like that it's not just a continuation of the darker films. This way they can maintain a separation between franchises by the tone they stick to. The Batman, Penguin etc. can carry on without touching this brighter, more hopeful story.

In my mind that's something the MCU struggles with. They should have kept the mystical, cosmic, multiverse, and "Earth-centric" storylines separate, meaning viewers don't feel the weight of the entire MCU on every new release.

I do agree with your about the endless cycle of Spider-Man, Superman, Batman etc., but if they want to build a shared universe then they need those central figures with broad appeal.

No way they're going this direction with it, but I'd love to see a shared universe where those well-known heroes are background characters, a bit like Iron Man was to Spider-Man in Homecoming.

Rixx Javix's avatar

It has been almost a decade since the last Superman film. And, no matter how you feel about it, studios are going to continue making new ones. I wish there was more original content as well and I try to do my best to support those that do make it - but sadly most people do not seem to feel the same way. So we are stuck with four quadrant franchise films for the foreseeable future because those are the ones that generate 1b+ for the corporations willing to invest in them. At least for now.

Having said that, a lot of original films are being made for streaming now, or turned into series for streaming. And that has been a mixed bag of nuts so far. The industry is really struggling right now and without these huge tentpole 1b+ profit engines I'm not sure what the future holds. And that affects original independent films more than most people realize. So, for all that, I realized a long time ago that we need all of it - big tentpole franchises and more original independent fare to maintain a healthy environment for everyone.

So yeah, they aren't going to stop. A new Spider-Man Tom Holland film is in the works. Batman II is in the works. A new animated Spider-Verse film is in the works. Marvel has three films opening next year. And Superman is the start of yet another series of films for DC.

Boomer's avatar

I do share some of FirestormGamingTeam's thoughts about the reboots, but honestly I'm a sucker for comic book films so I'm not complaining! 😊 I just hope they either segment storylines to allow viewers to choose which threads to follow, or they design it with easy on-ramp storylines to bring new viewers up to speed.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I agree, it's getting really boring now to see the same core story of the same character with a new actor. And every time you think they are doing it because they have further ideas you keep getting disappointed because instead of carrying then on with the same actor for a new story, you get the same story with a new actor again. So I'm not interested really...

I dislike the whole multiverse in the MCU, didn't really enjoy anything after Avengers Endgame, not even the Loki series... due to all that Time management agency stuff... What about making new heros and stories, relevant to the time we live in? Because there are enough global problems to explore and raise awareness about.

Boomer's avatar

I really enjoyed the Loki series. He's slowly morphed from a villain to an anti-hero, and my hope is the Loki series was the final to becoming a full hero. I'd love to see him taking a leading role in the mainline MCU films, like Doctor Strange and Loki taking on the Captain America and Iron Man roles.


I was super excited for this, after seeing it I’m not so sure, I hope I am proven wrong and it is fantastic tho as I love superman. I know a lot of people didn’t like Man of Steel but I absolutely adore it.

I am possibly Just burnt out on these kind of superhero movies as marvel has just destroyed my enthusiasm for a lot of these due to ther fall off a cliff after end game, but hopefully this can be the start of something nice for DC as I love some of there characters.

I must say I am far more excited for Matt Reeves next Batman movie as I loved the previous one being very dark, gritty and grounded with Batman showing off his detective skills! Also the cinematography was on point!

Rich's avatar

Big agree on the next Batman, the first was brilliant. Easily the standout superhero movie for me since Endgame

Boomer's avatar

Somehow that one slipped me by! It's on my backlog but I'll probably end up watching it over the holiday.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


I trust in the Director James Gunn and his súper hero’s vision


Ok i have watched this again and im getting more excited!


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