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SFBoomer's avatar

One of the communities I participated in had a few level-specifc forums.

This was a nice exclusive 'club' for the most engaged and older community members, and they served as a useful focus group where you were more likely to get nuanced and in depth feedback.

It did breed a bit of elitism, but I think this was due to larger cultural and systemic issues within the community and platform.

Maybe something like this (if moderated properly) could be useful here as a way of rewarding the most engaged and testing updates to the platform in a closed environment.

Philip's avatar

Did I really do enough to get to level 4 already?

Rupert's avatar

I don't know the exact numbers, but I think during Alpha we basically made it 10x easier to receive points, so everyone progressed really quickly :)

The plan is to reset points to zero, increase the thresholds and give all alpha participants an 'alpha badge' when the reset happens!


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