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Rupert's avatar

I'll be watching this poll with interest, thanks for setting it up! :)

It's worth noting that we're going to be experimenting with lots of different bounty types over the coming weeks. Different types of topics, media and challenges. More & fewer winners per bounty, higher and smaller amounts of money, so that we can get a good understanding of what works and what doesn't.

The profile/account setup bounties ones are probably going to be just for this Alpha test. We're keen for this functionality to be seen and tested, but longer-term there should be a natural reason and desire to do these without a bounty. ie. Connect your PayPal because it's needed to receive a payout, or connect your Instagram because it's needed to show you're the author of a particular image or video.

(Also, we haven't yet gone live with the Organic Rewards system. More details on this soon, but this will be complementary to the bounties and so you might find yourself being rewarded just for posting things that other people find helpful or interesting, rather than it being via the bounty format)

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I'm glad you like it :)

I already connected my accounts when that bounty appeared but it gave me the idea for this poll.

I was surprised when my short posts in Video Games got enough likes for the bounty reward. I just did what I like to do - talk about my favourite game - and to be rewarded for it so soon after joining (I know it's just Alpha and there are not many of us) definitely made me feel appreciated and excited for the future ways of how to earn rewards for our contributions.

Keep up the good work guys, you made someone fairly new to content creation very happy :)

Dave's avatar

A bit of both really.

I am one of (as far as I am aware) the majority that only ever lurk and operate in read only mode on most community sites and forums. For example I have had a reddit account for about 10 years, but never posted even a single comment. The bounty side has certainly encouraged me to take the big leap into posting my first message/s on here and actually joining in rather than sitting on the side-lines. The other factor was the community being small and not intimidating being a member so early on and not feeling like I am gate-crashing an already established community. However I think had I joined at a much later date when there is far more activity and users, the bounty stuff would have been the key thing to get me over that big barrier of encouraging me to post my first message instead of hiding away.

For the bug hunting bounty, some of the ones I have submitted have taken quite a bit of time to test if they can be reproduced and I probably wouldn't have had the motivation to write up and screenshot some of them if there was nothing in return for them. Not necessarily financial but things like account xp or badges/achievements etc to make me feel like i am getting some micro reward for it.

Dave's avatar

I guess that leads onto another question. Do bounty's always have to be financial, or could they offer other things, in the case of games, promotional codes for games themselves or redeemable in game tat, convention tickets, unique experiences, etc etc. Does the treasury have to be monetary only or could community backers offer other things in ADDITION (not instead of) like that sort of thing?

Rupert's avatar

Yep, the long-term plan is to offer in-game items/currencies and other forms of rewards as well as money!

I love the idea that [if technically possible] we could award Robux to Just About Roblox members, for example. We've started talking to some game companies about this and there's quite a lot of interest around how we might reward the most helpful content creators (outside of the game) with things they can use within the game...

Rupert's avatar

This is great feedback, thank you!

We haven't really talked about the recognition system yet, but you may notice next to your profile picture in the top-right there's a number (your Just About Level), and if you click it, your progress bar to the next level is shown as well.

At the end of Alpha, these points (and the way they are awarded) will be reset and you'll be given a permanent Alpha badge that nobody else will be able to get in the future. We'll be making much more of this system in the future, and also be rolling out the rest of the Badges.

Umandraug's avatar

Yes and no.

Yes, in that I like doing things that make numbers go up.

No, in that I’m not using paypal atm, so I won’t really be able to claim anything, lol.

Rupert's avatar

If you don't connect a PayPal account, the rewards will stay connected to your profile so (one day..!) you'll be able to withdraw them through a different method.

Umandraug's avatar

Cool, I’ll keep an eye out for that.


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