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Just About

Nice to meet you Boomer and welcome

I'm curious as have been apart of just about from June/July but after being on holiday for a few weeks noticed when I came back that some of the moderators/staff have stopped posting and some such as John and Mark-cm who were active at the beginning no longer seem to post and no longer have staff or moderator against them so was wondering if they have left and if it's possible to have a list of the current moderators/staff/managers posted so we are aware of who is who


Rupert's avatar

Well spotted! Boomer joined recently to replace Mark, and Rich joined to replace John a while back.

To help you navigate "who's who" on here, the Just About team will soon comprise of 13 full-time people:

  • The Tech team: Alex, Thomas, Cass, Annette and Luke

  • The Growth team: Joel, Tom, Holly, Rich, Jason and Nicole

  • The Sales team: Al

  • ... And myself!

We've also had some outside help on the content side of things, from Alex SL, Matt and Ford.

Boomer's avatar

Thanks Laing, it's nice to meet you too!

I agree it would be great to share a bit more about the team behind Just About. Rupert has given a great summary in a reply here, and we will be sharing some intro posts over in Just About Just About so we can all get to meet the team.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

<3 first German Beer is on me. Just to get you fixed :P

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