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Ross's avatar

I noticed this the other day too. I think the only major issue is exactly what you outlined.

Pretty easy to see the true value of you know where to look, but for new users, it might be easier to just have the exact value displayed on the nav bar. 😄

Rupert's avatar

That’s a great spot! Should be a pretty simple fix 🙏🏽

Damien Mason's avatar

I noticed this, too. I don't think it's too big of a deal but can definitely see the potential frustration in that one circumstance.

Rich's avatar

Hey Lanah, thanks for flagging this! The devs have just put out a small deploy that should fix it; can you let me know if you're still seeing the issue?

Lanah Tyra's avatar

That was a quick fix thank you! On mobile it shows the exact amount now, will check later on my laptop too but I assume it will be fine there as well.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Showing correctly on desktop too. Thank you <3


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