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Tom's avatar

Boomer, I was fully addicted to Deathloop in August. Such an underrated game ๐Ÿ™Œ

Boomer's avatar

We'll have to have a chat after I'm finished ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

It reminds me a lot of Bioshock, but 1000% more sassy.

Tom's avatar

For sure! Yeah, very reminiscent of Bioshock, especially with the slabs. I think the world building is a bit weaker than Bioshock (although probably better than Infinity) but the gameplay and mechanics are exceptional ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Boomer's avatar

That's definitely been my experience so far, but then again I've only just completed my first in-game day!

Tom's avatar

๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ You're in for a treat! I'll look forward to chatting with you about it once you've uncovered everything ๐Ÿ™

FUN INC's avatar

\o/ Fellow metallica road-warrior - i dare you to guess how many times I have seen them!

Boomer's avatar

Wild stab in the dark, 10 times?

Assuming more than once, what was the best show for you?

I loved seeing them at Sonisphere...unfortunately I slept through Diamond Head! ๐Ÿ˜ญ

FUN INC's avatar

Soni is at my home town! - so I am very fond memories of that gig - i was in the Snakepit :) - DH were aces! - you missed a treat there!

you are a little way off ... the count thus far is 45 times!! :D

The best shows vary for me. - i saw them at House of Vans which was aces, the O2 for the $5 dollar Death Magnetic 1981 price gig, once at Leeds festival when i met the band and was on stage with them directly behind Lars for the whole show, 11 times on the 2019 European tour, Twice for the 40th anniversary shows in San Francisco, and twice at Download this year when a photo of me was used in rotation on the bigscreen before the band came on!!!

I have lots of metallica memories! :D

Boomer's avatar

That's amazing! You're basically part of the band at this point ๐Ÿ˜†

I think the closest for me would be Iron Maiden, but even then that's only around ~15 times. My partner and I took a break from festivals for a few years, and we haven't got back into it yet. We've been doing more gigs lately, with people like Jeff Beck, Steve Hackett, and King Crimson being the most recent.

Reading, Download, and Sonisphere have been our main feativals, but we're keen to try some of the ones in Europe.

FUN INC's avatar

Being on the road in 2019 was an amazing experience - i must admit, i was incredibly lucky to do that volume of shows in such a short amount of time, and met loads of people in the process. The years after that certainly kept me indoors to pay off the credit card too!

Download was significantly better this year than in previous years... and yes - i always look at the Euro lineups and dream of going!

Rich's avatar

Love this thread. Been to many Downloads, Readings, and one 2000 Trees but not for a while now, sadly. If you go to Europe Jason I recommend Rock AM Ring - had a great time there way back in 2012!

Boomer's avatar

Just About Live Music? ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค˜

Rich's avatar

Can't wait!

Oh and massive respect to FUN INC for those Metallica memories, that's so cool. I've only seen them twice, but they were immense both times. Once was Rock AM Ring actually, where they played the whole Black Album. Epic.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Yes please! I'll post about all the amazing small metal bands ๐Ÿค˜

Dave's avatar

I'm quite curious about the toxicity research. One of the big draws for me with FFXIV is how welcoming and non toxic the community is, it is VERY different to any other online game I've ever played in this respect. I don't know why that is, is it the community and the people the game attracts or something Square Enix have managed to do to lead to a nice community? Why is it that other communities/games/companies fail so badly at this? Or did it start off well as a good community from the off and the feedback loop of that just attracts more people with the same attitude?

I am terrible at the game and noone cares that much really, when I get randomly teamed up for a dungeon people politely educate me on what I am doing wrong/why I'm dying. They can see the sprout above my head signifying I am an inexperienced player, and we all get through it as one team with positive vibes. The other team members get bonus currency for doing a duty/dungeon with a first timer as a reward for in effect increased difficulty/time its going to take to clear. Try being new and bad at the game in nearly any other game (Overwatch comes to mind from my experience with that) and you will not have a good experience.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I would love to hear more about this research too it sounds very interesting. Seen many gaming communities and sadly toxic ones are the majority.

Boomer's avatar

There's so much that can contribute to a community being (or becoming) toxic. I'm coming at it from the angle of studying culture (norms, values, beliefs, and expressive symbols (language, signs, media etc.)).

I'm pretty clueless when it comes to playing Final Fantasy games, but I watch my partner play them sometimes. From what I can tell the stories are all about a group of people coming together to overcome some great evil. The members of the group also seem supportive and forgiving of mistakes, so co-operation is at the heart of the narrative.

Also, you mention the sprout. That's a really clever way to show who might need some help, and the devs have gone so far as to incentivise and reward that support. The narrative and the affordances (technical limitations and abilities) have come together to foster an environment that values helping each other.

I'm sure there's a lot more to it than that, but could you imagine a way that Overwatch might encourage the same support? Maybe assists for players with lower playtime fills their ultimate faster? Or healing less experienced players grants a bonus to movement or attack damage for a short window? These combat enhancements would outweigh the impact of a less experienced player, making it more valuable to help newer players.

The problem is it's very hard to change a community culture once it's established, so it's a slow process that requires the community to buy into the change.

Craig Downward's avatar

Hey dude, its good to see you. Im excited to be accepted on here ๐Ÿ˜

Boomer's avatar

Hey Craig ๐Ÿ‘‹Long time! It's good to see you as well ๐Ÿ™‚

Craig Downward's avatar

Looking forward to our next Magic the Gathering sesh.

Boomer's avatar

Note to self, do not share M:tG tips and tricks.

Craig Downward's avatar

I will be watching and waiting ๐Ÿ˜‚

Seรกn 's avatar

Nice to meet you Jason.


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