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Boomer's avatar

So THATS what I'm supposed to be doing! 🤔

...but seriously, it's great to be able to lay all of this out in a way that connects everyone in front of and behind the scenes.

Seán 's avatar

Been loving it at Just About. Been having a lot of self doubts recently (can I even create stuff) and writers block. I'm still waaaay behind were I want to be but with Bounties having smaller projects has really helped alot. I even started writing again. This was awesome to read. Just About feels like a game changer. Wishing the best for everyone at Just About.

FUN INC's avatar

Loving being active in JA! This feels like something very very different!


I'd just like to ask... Considering the influence and length of time that certain gaming forums (such as Neogaf and Resetera etc) have been established for, why haven't they tried to implement any of the above?

Even though one size doesn't fit all, why hasn't the gaming community been more pro-active in this context, and why hasn't a more mainstream gaming outlet not tried to expose any of the aforementioned forums - which are obviously built on nepotism and popularity contests, blatant hypocrisies, and outright lies?

Even though I wrote a piece which briefly mentioned some of the above (when I interviewed Rupert Loman), I'm not exactly Eurogamer or IGN. And at the same time, I'm surprised that Youtubers like Karl Jobst are doing the sort of work that "proper journalists" should be doing. I mean, what are "proper journalists" good for, when bloggers and Youtubers are doing a better job, and serving the community and industry needs a lot better than the likes of Eurogamer and IGN (who often-times just end up making themselves look bad by copying and pasting what's already out there)?

If an AI chatbot can regurgitate existing articles and press releases, then what function does a "proper journalist" serve in this context, and why should the community and industry "pay" attention to them, when Youtubers and bloggers are doing the vast majority of the legwork, and who (in some cases) are getting paid more?

Boomer's avatar

It's probably down to the fact that changing a company direction and culture is difficult, but I can't really speak to their plans.

Also we're not the best people to ask when it comes to mainstream media's views on those platforms! You'll probably have better luck getting answers directly from their sites.


I just think it's kind of pathetic if you have forums like Neogaf and Resetera (who are essentially the same people) go on about having an issue with Elon Musk owning Twitter, when they had a 20 years headstart, and could easily have navigated their website(s) into becoming viable competitors in the social network space. Instead however, both sites are increasingly irrelevant, and the former owner of Resetera ran off with all the money. And then there's all this talk about "culture", but the people who run / ran those sites (and who are / were part of the community) never did any real work (and didn't have a plan)... And then looked to blame Elon Musk who actually did do some work.

The "games community" would rather spend 400 hours playing videogames, whereas Elon Musk would rather spend those same 400 hours working... So who is going to end up ahead in the long run, and actually be in a position to buy and run Twitter (which IS more relevant than Neogaf and Resetera)?

My point is that Neogaf and Resetera could have been where Twitter is today... And whilst everyone is having an issue with a certain YouTuber keeping certain donations, at least he wasn't like Cerium from Resetera who literally stole from his own community. Why didn't "journalists" investigate that little blemish on the "games community"?

Oh, I'm sorry... They're too busy playing videogames and regurgitating the "real" journalism that's actually carried out by unpaid enthusiasts who happen to be on platforms like Reddit and Youtube...

Lanah Tyra's avatar

At first I didn't know what bounty submissions will be used for, now it makes a lot more sense after seeing how the get to turned into curated articles. I really love how the community can contribute to articles with the bounty submissions. This way it really reflects the community's opinion on a certain subject, shares different points of view and it's a really good way to find people with the same interests within the community.

My life got a bit hectic now and I wasn't that active on social media and forums, because I felt it was too much, but still I always checked Just About because it's always so nice and chill here, and I actually feel welcomed and valued.

As someone who was a forum moderator for years and wrote articles for the community website a long time ago in a galaxy far far away... I'm really looking forward to see how the site will look when the communities get to run their own bounties and take care of their own space.

Boomer's avatar

That's really nice to hear, and I hope things calm down for you soon.

avrona's avatar

Sounds great! Honestly any opportunities for creators to get more involved in the site as well or having stuff from us seen/published would go a long way. Also did I see EGX badges in ones of those pictures?! How did I miss you guys at EGX?!

Boomer's avatar

We were tucked away in the Platinum Suite for the talks, so it was easy to miss us! If we do more in the future then we'll definitely be talking about it on Just About and all of our socials. Hope you can join us! 😊


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