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Boomer's avatar

Unfortunately we couldn't all make it, so please ignore my crude attempts to photoshop the missing team members into the photo! 😅

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I was about to say this smells like Photoshop XD

Boomer's avatar

I'm sure I have no idea what you're on about 😁

Sturmer's avatar

hush, it looks too good!

Boomer's avatar

Thank you! At least someone recognises raw talent when they see it 😂

Wings's avatar

Only gets insulting when people start trying to guess which ones are photoshopped!

Boomer's avatar

I nearly asked people to guess, but thought that might go very badly 😅

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I was looking at this photo like, er... Then tilted my head sideways and was still like er... Then I read the comments....

Yeh I'm an idiot

Boomer's avatar

Well you were right about it being photoshopped!

The lighting always gives it away 😂


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