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Just About

cool stuff, thanks for the update

Rich's avatar

All working smoothly for me! Members: just give us a shout here if you're having any issues.

FUN INC's avatar

nicely done!

Worked perfectly here!


Serious question: which were the cybersecurity considerations behind using a single 6 digit code? (if you can answer)

Rupert's avatar

It’s a very fair question! It does feel counterintuitive (including to me, as a non-engineer) but passwordless systems are generally more secure than passwords:

It’s also far better UX and has allowed us to link Google, Apple and Email based logins into a single account.

(We will, of course, be adding 2FA in the future as well!)

Kane Carnifex's avatar

I can´t copy paste it, lost one number :( but here i am. Nice try to to get us out.


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