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Lanah Tyra's avatar

Love the idea of spaces and communities within. A really easy way to make it possible to have general discussions about a wider topic, but also go into more details in a specific community. Looking forward to chat to people about more of my interests (yes believe it or not, there are some which are not Final Fantasy 😅)

Roo's avatar

🎉 Taskmaster, cartoon, and Radiohead fan-girling incoming in a big way 🌊

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Am planning on getting the game, does anyone know how much its going to cost or if it will be sub based?

Rupert's avatar

I've seen $29.99 mentioned as the price, although can't find a definitive source for that!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

that’s not to bad then. I refuse to spend £60 years n game releases when they come down to that price two months after lol

Dave's avatar

Yeah looks like 30. If anything I'm guessing it will go up in price once it leaves early access one day.


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