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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

No, I had issues with my phone as well, so I mostly do it on my laptop or PC at this point, but it's good that you brought it up.


Dave's avatar

Not quite in the way you describe but I make tons of mistakes when typing, when clicking the corrected spelling it doesn't change it but the browser acts like it has.

I think they are working on a new version to fix various issues with the editor, try clicking the little md text in the top right of the editor menu bar, it gives you a different basic editor and that might work better for you for now.

Boomer's avatar

Hey legs0fmetal, I'm sorry to hear this has been happening to you.

I believe this has been flagged with our Tech team, but if you can your browser and device type (android, ios etc) then I'll give them an update.

Thanks for sharing this, and I'll let you know when I find out more.

Joel's avatar

Sorry to hear this; we are currently rebuilding the discussion composer and doing a lot of work on mobile in general, so things will be much improved before too long.

legs0fmetal's avatar

Thank you for the reply. I know this community/ site is just starting up, and it's very nice to see a reply cuz it feels nice to be hard when there's a problem. And you guys are doing a great job 😄


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