You might consider this post an ode of praise, though not in a poetic sense. I want to extend my honest thanks to all the Just About staff, founders, and community members. Several months have passed since I joined this amazing platform, and after some thoughtful reflection, I've come to several conclusions that I hope will inspire and motivate others to continue developing this incredible project.
Knowledge Exchange
Firstly, I learn something new here every day. Be it through bounties, posts, or comments, I always take away something meaningful that I eagerly share with friends, family, colleagues, and my audience. On another spectrum, sharing my knowledge and experience feels meaningful and rewarding, especially when engaging in discussions with other members. This feedback loop is invaluable, and I truly appreciate it.
New Skills and Growth
I'm constantly pushed beyond my comfort zone by these bounties, encouraging me to explore new ideas, tools, and techniques. I even started drawing! Although the outcomes weren't great he-he, the experience was enriching. And it's not just about monetary motivation, I started to ask questions myself - can I do this? Which approach should I pick? Can I put my previous experience to good use for that?
A Safe Space
Despite the internet's inherent hazards, I feel safe and relaxed here. It's not just about moderation or the Community Code of Conduct; it's about being able to share thoughts, opinions, and creative works without fear of judgment, receiving constructive feedback and insights instead. I wish more online spaces were like this.
Deep Thoughts and Reflection
This aspect was initially hard to admit: the prevalence of short content had reduced my ability to thoughtfully tackle complex problems. I appeared to be multitasking in my everyday life and work, but in reality, I was barely scratching the surface of each issue. Thankfully, Just About is helping me regain this depth of thought. I now find myself spending days analyzing simple questions before sharing my conclusions. It's easy to list, say, "top 5 favorite movies," but much harder to choose just one. These challenging questions force me to dig deeper and think longer, which I've come to enjoy.
These aren't all the positive aspects I've noticed, but they are solid conclusions I've reached so far. So once again, thank you to the Just About team and community for creating this wonderful space and helping me grow.
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