It’s been a couple of weeks since we launched Just About Nightingale and four new broad-interest Spaces. Time to slow down for a bit, then?
Nope! If you've been following our socials, you'll have noticed a few devilish hints about our next expansion, and as of, er, now, we’ve thrown open its doors. Presenting Just About Dragon’s Dogma, ahead of the feverishly anticipated Dragon’s Dogma 2 on March 22.
Why’d we pick this game to drive our continuing growth?
Why Dragon’s Dogma?
We’re super excited to add another game-specific community to Just About EVE and Nightingale, and for what Dragon’s Dogma brings to the mix. We’ve got a fathoms-deep space MMO and a co-op survival game, and now we’re adding a single-player, high-fantasy, open-world RPG to snare all those Baldur’s EldenRim types.
Just imagine gaming genres as butterflies and us with a big net.
But Dragon’s Dogma 2 will be more than just the latest fantasy RPG. Those who caught the 2012 original have become passionate fans, and they’ve been waiting loyally for over a decade for a sequel. They know Dragon’s Dogma is the real deal. Here are just a few reasons why the original was a cult hit:
Its pawns are AI party members whose unhelpful banter is still the stuff of memes.
It offered prototypical Soulslike combat back when Dark Souls was still fresh (joke: Dark Souls is always fresh).
It had giant bosses, but let you climb them and stab them in the face rather than ask you to believe you could kill a dragon by hacking its toenails.
It boasted the biggest, splashiest magic spells in its genre, and spawned both an MMO and a Netflix show.
All this despite having been scaled down from director Hideaki Itsuno’s original vision. He’s back to direct the sequel, which is set in a parallel version of the same world, but one that’s deeper, more refined, and four times bigger: the definitive Dragon’s Dogma experience! The only way to make it more internet-friendly would be to add cats, which is presumably why they did that too 👇
Nightingale has that depth. EVE certainly does. And so will Dragon’s Dogma 2.
A home that dragons can’t burn
The pre-launch signs align, too. Dragon’s Dogma 2 entered Steam’s top ten best sellers a few days ago - almost three weeks before release - and has been in the top ten wishlists for ages. Previews have been breathless with praise.
We know there’s tons of potential in Dragon’s Dogma 2 to get you all talking, sharing, and creating, and maybe even to be gaming’s next breakout hit. After all, it has more than a little in common with Elden Ring and Baldur’s Gate 3.
This time round, though, we’ve given ourselves a bit more of a run-up, launching the community ahead of the game for the first time. Come on in to Just About Dragon’s Dogma and check out a slightly different initial bounty offering, and rest assured that we’ll be ramping it up to our usual launch-week extravaganza!
We’ll see you in your new digital home, Arisen.
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