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Roo's avatar

What is gaming to you? What does it represent? What is the driving force behind why you play certain games?

For me, gaming is a pass time just like watching a film, reading a book, or playing sports. I use it when I want to be entertained or wind down after a long day or week. In the same way that I might choose a gentle film after a long week, I'd choose to play a gentle game like Zelda. If I was planning on playing football with friends but it was rained off, I might choose something more action-focussed like the Halo series. If I want to turn my brain off or wind down, I'd choose a cosy game like Unpacking or A Little To The Left.

There are games that make that difficult though. I'm a completionist and like to do things in a very methodical way so big, open-ended games like Assassin's Creed can be a real problem for me. I love them but the sheer size of them and the fact there's always another task just close enough to complete is a real weak spot for me. I have to be very careful with myself when I play games like that...

What makes you choose a film? Is it the title? The trailer? The actors?

Usually it's the subject matter or a recommendation. There are definitely actors, directors and writers who I know are a safe bet but, if something has been recommended to me and/or I know I find the topic interesting, I'll seek it out.

When people make a film on real-life events, how do you view this?

I love films based on real events! But they have to be handled sensitively and relatively accurately. My favourite film of last year was Blackberry which was right in the sweet spot for me. I also really enjoyed Dumb Money. The one that stands out as an all-time great to me is The Big Short. On the other side, I find biopics where the subject has a heavy hand in making them to be a bit self-indulgent. They're very watchable but they don't stick with me the same way - I'm thinking of Bohemian Rhapsody & Rocket Man specifically.

What made you decide to become a content creator in the first place? Was it the lure of money? or a driving need to want to share your game experiences?

I'm not really a content creator (hides for fear of being evicted) but I do really love the discipline and the industry. I have a lot of overlapping interests (gaming, comedy, audio production, animation, broadcast) so when JACC appeared on my radar (I was already a member of JAVG), I joined and have really enjoyed the content!

In terms of technology, do you think the human path at this point, is going to lead to bad things or good things? What makes you choose the decision on this question?

I think technology is amoral. Tech itself isn't good or evil. It just is. The scope for good or bad outcomes (however subjective that delineation may be) is entirely dependent on people and the systems of power, government, and culture that we have created as a society. I have huge hope for the problems we can solve using the most recent technological innovations - healthcare screenings, improved farming practices and sustainability, energy production, accessibility tools etc. I think our biggest issue is how those things are mobilised in a profit-driven system. The technology will exist for equitable healthcare, accessibility, food distribution, energy creation and consumption. That's an incredible development. The issue will be whether our systems will allow that equity, or whether that same technology will widen the wealth gap further.

When you listen to music, are you like me when you're alone, headphones on, sit back, close your eyes, and let the music take your emotions to your special place? Or simply background noise?

There's a time for both. I can't stand silence so I always have music or podcasts on. I connect to music most when I'm engaged in something fairly monotonous - driving, walking, on the bus/train. That's when it connects with me the most.

But, if I'm working, I need the noise. There's a very fine line between music that supports work and music that distracts from it. For me, it either has to be melodic instrumental music or stuff I've heard many times before. If it's not, it tends to hook my attention a bit too often and makes it difficult to find my flow. I recently heard the legendary producer and ambient music composer Brian Eno describing how he composes whilst working to achieve this precise balance when creating his ambient albums. You can find the interview here:

Sports have always confused me, I follow some matches and types of sports, what is it about sports that gets you going? Pumps your emotions and makes you say "That team is, is who I want to support"?

This is a really interesting question. My Dad and both grandfathers were semi-professional sportsmen who played at county level and brushed up against national level but I never really 'got it' as a teenager. They would encourage me to play but I was never that interested. Although, as both my maternal grandparents were ex-PE teachers I did get exceptional training as a kid. I'm dyspraxic and shouldn't really be able to throw, catch, run and jump as well as I can, thanks to their presence in my childhood!

I was a huge Manchester United fan as a child which makes sense because of the rise of the Premier League and growing up in the North West during the advent of players like David Beckham. Once I got to high school and being a fan meant more than just knowing a few players and occasionally watching a game with some friends and family members I lost interest. My favourite player had moved on and there was far too much to watch and keep up with.

That way of thinking stuck with me until my mid 20's when, having moved to a new city for University (and staying because I met my partner) I needed to make new friends and meet new people. Playing and following sport made that far easier. Talking to colleagues about the football was safe ground and playing sports meant meeting new people of a similar age. After that, I understood why people played.

As for the question of following a team, that's something I've understood more clearly in recent years. I wrote a short post about that on one of Rich's polls when the Sports space launched a few weeks ago:

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’ll pick one:

  • “What made you decide to become a content creator in the first place? Was it the lure of money? or a driving need to want to share your game experiences?”

I actually started as a film-oriented channel because my friends and family don’t like horror anywhere near as much as I do. I have an encyclopedic knowledge of horror facts and it was getting unbearable to not be able to share with anyone, so I decided to just chunder my knowledge at anyone who would listen online. The evolution to becoming more of a gaming channel was just honestly because the gaming videos did waaaaay better early on, though I’ve been getting some great traction on the film lists and features in the last few months.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

very good answer, thanks for taking the time to respond


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