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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

The JA Bot is a great addition to our Eve Online Discord, I think several members have joined JA because of it.

Boomer's avatar

That's great to hear! The more the merrier 😊

Sturmer's avatar

Kudos to the backend team, their work most of the time is invisible to everyone!

Boomer's avatar

So true...rarely seen but experienced by all!

0ffworld's avatar

So much development - and it's visible. The website's already very different to how it was a month ago. Keep up that momentum!

Today I noticed my first payout - it's the kind of April Fool's joke I can live with. Had to take it easy for a week while recovering from being ill, but I'm almost ready to dive into a new month on Just About. 👍

Boomer's avatar

I'm sorry to hear you weren't feeling great, but I'm glad we could share a nice surprise 🙂

Paul's avatar

Great work! Keep it up 👍

Makster's avatar

Nice one Boomer. It's been nice creating content again and engaging in discussions on the site


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