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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

yup, fantastic IMO :) Been nice to go back and see old bounties I forgot about

Boomer's avatar

I hadn't realised just how often members were going back to old bounties! It's nice to see they're still important even after they've closed 😊

Lanah Tyra's avatar

This is great, thank you so much! I love to go back and have a read through of those which bring up interesting conversations. Also if I don't hear back from a bounty I like to check it out if it got forgotten or was I just not selected as a winner and then read through the entries to see if I can learn something from the writing style or would they give me a new idea.

Wadd Enderas's avatar

That's a great use. You can learn a lot about your own entries and how to improve etc by reviewing old bounties and the successful submissions! There's often some great stuff in the submissions that don't win as well, particularly in the very competitive bounties, so it's nice to scroll back through those.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Indeed, most of the times when my entry didn't win it was because of that. And it's so nice to read all the submissions and say well it was a tough competition and the ones who didn't win were also amazing. Like the recent suggest a bounty for the JA music. So many entries and all very good!


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