Active Just About members are probably aware of Organic Rewards, our way of recognising valuable and positive contributions to the platform.
Each night, the top members' contributions to each community are calculated and given a reward in their wallet. Nice!
So far, the way we've rewarded these has been rather unsophisticated and has generally involved round numbers (such as $1!). Over time, the intention is to add a little more complexity so that we're taking into account more signals for what defines a valuable contribution, and tailoring the rewards accordingly.
So, in the short-term, we're going to run some experiements for May:
We are halving the value of the individual daily rewards but doubling the number of users who will receive them. So the same amount of money is being rewarded, but spread more widely.
We will shortly be changing the reward time to 5pm (UK), rather than in the middle of the night, so that most of our members will be awake when they happen.
We're also going to be running more experiments with Bounties. So, expect some even higher value 'big' bounties, as well as changes to ensure the lower value, lower effort bounties are pitched at the right level in terms of the contributions they're designed to prompt.
Alongside these, we've got a really nice design update for the bounty pages in the works and the new post composer is nearly ready too... so keep an eye out for those in the near future.
As always, please let us know any feedback below, we're listening! ⬇️
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