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Boomer's avatar

Hey EveOnlineTutorials, we've actually been thinking about this for a little while.

I appreciate it's not ideal and it's definitely not a long-term solution, but it's the most feasible one while our Tech team are working on the latest platform updates.

I process the moderation queue for the most part, so I do feel your pain 😅 I'll check in with the team in the morning and see where we are with things.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

It's just an idea, obviously, we would only have one chance at "off the moderation" etc, but I think it's fair when people show, they are here to help the platform, as I said it's just an idea and I don't want to seem like I'm whining or anything.

Boomer's avatar

Oh I didn't read it as whining at all. I just wanted to share a little context 🙂 hopefully we'll be able to make some improvements to it soon! 😊

Paul's avatar

Could there be a probation like thing for new members? where their first months posts and bounty submissions are monitored to make sure they understand the rules and what JA is about. Just an idea.

Martin's avatar

I’ve had replies flagged but then approved almost instantly as well, I was surprised at first, but I get it…

Moderation is always a difficult thing and now that governments are getting more and more interested in what can get seen by minors, I can only see it getting worse in the short time.

Even allowing someone to be able to post freely once they have completed a grace period or proved they are trustworthy could still post something undesirable. I don’t think that hoping people will abide by the terms of use and behave will work either, you would end up with the same kind of thing.

A quick solution would be to allow the post creators to self-moderate replies, but this also has its own risks – they might not like a reply and just delete it.

You could use the report option to automatically hide a post/reply if enough people click it but then you have the same risks – down voting someone’s content just because you can (like review bombing).

Then there are hacked accounts, spam etc.

You always have the AI option, but you’d have to define what is acceptable/quality over undesirable and train it, but it will still flag conversations incorrectly and need reviewing.

Every option has its downsides and with new legislation about to be discussed by government it might be best to leave as it for now and see what happens. If they do push though their ideas about Real IDs, then everything would change.

(I actually sat here wondering who to post this as a reply to as it kind of responds to everyone’s comments, settled with Boomer in the end)

Horror and Cats's avatar

There would be an Organic Rewards/Bounty popularity concern if only certain people go mod-free. First comment, first seen, first reacted to, especially with regard to image-based bounties.

I personally like that everyone who doesn’t have Staff or Mod by their name is under the same scrutiny.

Martin's avatar

Agree - because real money is involved people will always play the system and then complain if they don't get anything. Which then could easily lead to undesirable posts.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Real money will always draw out the wild lol

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I think it's mostly just posts with pictures and links in it, which is understandable those need to be checked. My only concern with it is if I want to post something at stupid o'clock like I usually did with my stream scheduled on Sundays my first thought was "oh no poor Boomer will have to check this" :D But even at that time they get approved super quick so good job!

Rupert's avatar

You're right, it's images that hold up the process usually. Links are fine once the domain has been added to our whitelist the first time.

We're thinking about letting the posts through that have images, but just holding a placeholder "image pending" until the image is approved... that would get things flowing a lot quicker.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I like that idea, would definitely help with the situations where you get a notification that someone replied to your post but then can't find the reply because it's still under moderation.

Rupert's avatar

That's another bug that will be fixed soon too!

Boomer's avatar

Oh don't worry about me...I have my coping mechanisms 😄 * sips coffee *

Horror and Cats's avatar

Most of my posts are at “stupid o’clock” for staff/mods because I’m in the US lol. In fact, posting at stupid o’clock PST is business hours for JA.


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