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Lanah Tyra's avatar

Both are good! I'll poke my partner to check this out, he used to train dogs so I'm sure he would love to join in with some training posts. He's lurking here but only active if I poke him there is something he would like. I feel like I'm his secretary XD

Boomer's avatar

I'm loving the cute photo gallery to start the week 😊

If everyone gave permission I would totally buy a Pets of Just About calendar as a charity thing! 😁

JHenckes's avatar

I think you can do both hahaha (maybe I'm being a bit greedy). But the cute pictures of the animals can't be missing, but always bring training tips, they'll be very useful!

Horror and Cats's avatar

Haha I’ll do a “tip of the week” instead of full on paragraphs. I’ve learned some good little tricks over time


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