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Lanah Tyra's avatar

whenever I see Pazuzu's name it makes me giggle. There is a unique monster in one of the FFXIv areas called Pazuzu. It only appears if you hunt certain amount of certain monsters and you have certain weather conditions. So usually when someone logs into that area you get a shout in chat "Is Pazuzu up?" 😅

Horror and Cats's avatar

Aw haha. My Pazuzu is also very conditional 🤣

Alex Sinclair's avatar

We're working through daily pun variations for our fluffball Mochi: 'Moch of the Penguins', 'Moch ado about nothing' 'Moch Szyslak', 'Mochacinno', 'Minnie the Mocher', and my personal favourite of the day: 'Mr Mochivator'

Horror and Cats's avatar

Scream gets that treatment too haha. Coffee screamer, scream of the crop, screamed corn, etc.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Well I'm British, so I'd have to throw Scream Tea in there too.

Paul's avatar

My Wife often calls Loki Lokes, princess, baby etc. I just call her Loki lol

Horror and Cats's avatar

Might I suggest “the tesser-cat?”


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