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dianthus's avatar

Oh I hate them so much! I know that JustAbout is about positive content, so I hope the following message is OK, but unfortunately I have the same reaction to those Wrapped graphics as I do when my town sets up every single Christmas light in early November: you missed the point!

Allow me to explain.

Not only do they remind me that nothing is private and that all I do is dissected for the economic growth of people who don't have my best interest at heart, but... I don't think the metrics mean anything at all. Yes, you've listened to that song 700 times. Why, though? Is it because it makes your brain go brrrr? Is it because you wanted to annoy your neighbour? Is it because you had to babysit a small child whose brain it made go brrr? Did you have a really bad breakup in March that you're so happy to be reminded of in December because what you listened to then completely skewed your Wrapped? And most importantly, how many peanuts was the original artist paid for those 700 listens?

And as someone who makes little videos, I'm always happy to know I've had views! But knowing that a specific video has been watched that many times by the same person or collectively doesn't tell me much. Is it because I shared some really cool insight? Or is it because my accent is atrocious and they couldn't understand a specific segment? Or maybe some Big Account reshared it on social media? Did viewers replay it to make fun of it in front of their friend, or because they thought it was really cool? Those are the insights that would be useful to me, as the one who made the video.

I also feel like... the numbers flatten the experience. Even if you did sit there at your desk passively consuming those 700 listens of the same songs, your feelings, your inner world, was a little different each time. And what of the time you listened to it on the bus, and the sunset was magnificent? What of the time you were at the store and the employee told you they stopped selling your favourite treat? What of the time you sent the song to someone, and they reacted exactly in the way you hoped they would? This is what your year was made of-- the sunset, the change in plans, the different ways you connected with people. The song stayed the same during its 700 listens, but you changed. To me, that's what matters.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

These are some great thoughts!

And I totally feel you on the getting reminded to bad memories bit. While you can control what Google photos shares with you for example by getting rid of pictures you don't want to see anymore, I had to switch off Facebook reminders of "this is what you posted x years ago" because it kept bringing back painful memories. And if you went through a breakup / loss or anything painful, you won't be going back to delete everything related to it on social media.

I feel like this setting should be something you consent to when you sign up. Do you want to receive these reminders, do you want us to keep track of this data?

Youtube for example. I wish there was a way to switch off showing the dislikes on my creator dashboard. They don't help me, I don't want to see them as it makes me question myself was it something I said, was my editing bad? Do they dislike my accent? Is it to trash my gaming skills? Or is it just that they dislike the game I made the video about (but then why watch it?)

dianthus's avatar

Oh I actually also really dislike this feature and which I could turn it off everywhere! My own phone gallery does this and like... yes, maybe I had to take lots of photos that day to send them to my insurance because a really bad thing had happened! I don't want to be reminded of it! For me, it's part of a larger trend of platforms, algorithms, etc, deciding for me what I want to see or experience at any given point. I highly agree with you that we should have more control over this. The setting on my phone was almost hidden-- and I discovered a bunch of other privacy-related settings that I am 100% sure weren't there when I first got the device, and I didn't get any notification that they had been added. No, I do not want anyone, any AI, any cloud device, have access to my pictures! Argh!

The Youtube one you mention is also an issue for me!! I try to ignore it, and I don't really go in the "analytics" tab if I can help it. I think some people are just... out there, disliking videos, for no good reasons. My friend has a group of 2-3 people who make a point of disliking every single of their videos because of something supportive of trans people that they said once, stuff like that. It's like people review-bombing games on Steam because the protagonist is a girl who's wearing overalls.

Sturmer's avatar

I like the raw data, but not someone else’s insights based on it. I get that most platforms do this for the "wow" effect to encourage social sharing and market their brand, but beyond that, it’s usually not actionable or meaningful. For example, if I find out I listened to Taylor Swift for 500 hours—does that mean I like her? Wow, groundbreaking discovery. :D


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