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Sell the house, buy Apple and Google stocks.
Haha I’d put my life savings in bitcoin lol
Good spot btw! But that's late 2009
nice content idea: Calendar of regretful decisions, by year =)
Why is the Wii there? It released in 2006
cuz 2006 is in the 2000s
Do I have all of my memories making this a do over, or are we reminiscing about what we actually did in the 2000s?
...depending on your answer my answer might be veeeery different! 😂
haha hit us with both!
exactly what i did, worked hard, saved, all through 2000-2009, 2009 i left the city, bought a remote property on the edge of the outback, ("bout an hour or so west of the black stump" ) built a cabin, sourced, designed and built a solar power plant, and of course a stihl. so now i'm retired, i own everything outright, have no debt, have a modest pension, i just game and get shit faced when i want, "livin' the dream" lol, 2000's were good to me.
have fun 07
I'd put 90% of my money in Bitcoin, that's for sure 😂
Haha me too!
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