I was reading an interesting substack article and it opened with this quote:
It's not enough to stop scrolling - we need to stop buying into the belief that constant presence online is the true route to success.
With all the annual wrap ups from different platforms, combined with my iPhone's screentime reports it really puts into perspective how much time is spent on each social media platform. I think it is a different discussion on whether you free-time should be spent on scrolling (some people un-wind this way and I don't think it is right to shame it, just as it is not right to shame those that spend 6 hours raiding in WoW or FFXVI), so I want to know - what makes you scroll and what catches your eye?
For me, I've got a horrible Reddit addiction as I've curated a list of subreddits that I truely vibe with. The comments I bounce between best and new - the stuff in the middle is often already said or low quality content.
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