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Kane Carnifex's avatar

Why no Aliens?

If no Aliens than Germany to World Utopia domination.

Makster's avatar

ngl, most eras in the past aren't too great if you're a minority or not in the top echelon of society

dianthus's avatar

Right? That's exactly what I was thinking XD I was like, "I want to vote in but... in none of these places at this time would my existence been as legally and socially accepted as it is now... I wouldn't have as many rights or as good of a quality of life as I do now."

There are very interesting things to learn about the past, but if I were to go back in time I'm not sure I would go that far away, except if there are, like, lots of magical safeguards in place to ensure my safety and well-being.

And then, well, I'm not sure I would enjoy seeing so much suffering anyway. We have no idea how easy we have it, with vaccines and non-lead indoor plumbing.


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