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Alex Sinclair's avatar

Excellent choice of topic! I'm looking forward to this one!

Horror and Cats's avatar

Tell us what made you cry, Alex… we know you’ve wept. Lol

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Damn it. I see my attempts to respond without admitting how much of a softie I am have come unstuck. The first time was Operation Winback on the N64 - I can't for the life of me remember who it was that died. But it was one of your pals and I was at a sleepover. The Last of Us got me, but I know that's been mentioned. Then there's Telltale's Walking Dead. Oh and God of War. I found This War of Mine to be very harrowing, but I don't think it made my face leak. And while not a video game, I've definitely choked down a fair few sobs and dried a few eyes during long-running D&D campaigns

Horror and Cats's avatar

Oh no lol I hope everyone was nice at the sleepover.

All very good and understandable games to jerk a tear!

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

“And Here the Wheel” by John Harper an Elite dangerous book 🥲


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