Hey folks, we have another slate of quality content in store for this week’s Member Monday. Today we highlight some especially great member-led content from SMITE 2, Elite Dangerous, and EVE Online. You create amazing content faster than we can share it, so be sure to explore the platform to discover more. If you find anything exceptional, shout about it…or just tag me ( Boomer ) in a reply to the post you want to highlight. Anyway, let’s dig in!
TheMortonMan kicks us off with a very thorough and balanced review of the SMITE 2 open beta. Whether you’re a new player or an old Deity, this review offers up something for all fans to discuss.. Share your take by replying to Morty’s submission below.
Now we know how SMITE 2 performs, swifty recommends two slightly unorthodox builds for Geb- one focusing on intelligence and the other pure tankiness - both highlighting the versatility of the God of Earth. Try out the builds and leave a reply to let us know how you get on.
Our ‘design a kit for a new god’ reward invites members to expand the SMITE 2 pantheon, with Awwadeuwu suggesting Durga, the Hindu goddess of strength and feminine protection. Not only does Awwadeuwu offer visuals and descriptions of the proposed in-game God, but their submission even layers in the real-world cultural significance of Durga!
Elite Dangerous
Veteran Commander ayebawl takes us back to a time of mail-order purchases, games on cassette, and the very beginning of their Elite journey. This personal and heartfelt submission will strike a chord with those of us old enough to remember the joy of unboxing games, and even the younger generations can relate to the excitement and sense of discovery that comes with exploring a new game. Leave a reply and tell us which games had this kind of impact on you!
Ayebawl journeyed through time while Alec_Turner wanderlust called them to places and space unknown. This mind-bending photo - captured as they explored Colonia for the first time - features their ship, aptly named the Outworn Dalliances, reflecting their desire for richer, more meaningful adventures. It’s also an anagram, but you’ll have to read the submission to find out the hidden meaning.
EVE Online
These screenshots by Luka Zaharin featuring the new mercenary dens are so good they should be illegal, but we’ll have to settle for awarding the Curator’s Pick! With visuals like these it’s no surprise our members are hooked on screenshot rewards! A special shoutout goes to fellow merc photographer, Kane Carnifex .
That’s it for this week! Next week, we’ll put some of our other communities under the spotlight. If you see any great posts around that platform that you’d like to highlight for next week’s Member Monday, tag me ( Boomer ) or any of the JA team in the replies!
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