Minecraft has plenty of player-created minigames that don't require mods to play, and parkour is one of the classics. Jumping from block to block, using added challenges such as fence posts and half slabs, is a simple pleasure in the sandbox game.
So we want you to create your own parkour course! Head into creative mode and get designing, but remember: the furthest a player can jump in Minecraft is a gap of four blocks, and parkour courses mustn't be impossible, so make sure you can actually complete it, but don't make it too easy!
Three of the most aesthetically pleasing, complex parkour courses can win $5, with five $3 rewards going to remaining eligible entries. To increase your chances for a higher prize, make your parkour course complex and interesting and/or film yourself completing it. Don't forget to verify your submission on social media!
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$10 / 30
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