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Retro Stu's avatar

I know nothing of Russell's musical endeavours but I would 100% take that over watching Coldplay!

Boomer's avatar

Agreed! No disrespect to any Coldplay fans, but when you have a chance to see Maximus Decimus Meridius you go and see Maximus Decimus Meridius!

Thomas's avatar

There's always bands at festivals that I had no idea were still going, in this case I'm surprised to hear that Bloc Party, The Gossip and Keane are still around. Like Retro Stu said, I'd choose Russell Crowe's band over Coldplay for sure.

As for my top three, it would probably be Justice, Shania Twain and The Breeders (although I'm seeing them this summer anyway!)

I went to Glastonbury last year and I had a great time but I'm not sure I'm in a hurry to go again. Compared to other festivals like Latitude I found it quite a stressful environment to be in, and the trek from one stage to another meant that I ended up missing or intentionally skipping loads of stuff I wanted to see

Retro Stu's avatar

I knew Bloc Party were still going but I did not realise The Gossip and Keane were?! In fact I was certain Keane wrapped up years ago!

Top 3 for me would be The National - purely because a friend of mine is a hardcore fan and he has yet to steer me wrong on music, The Breeders just because I've never had a chance to see them and... whilst Nothing But Thieves are from my hometown I think I'd go for Bombay Bicycle Club - again purely because another friend is a super fan and I've heard good things.

Shoutout to PJ Harvey though, I saw her at Reading 2001!

Thomas's avatar

Oh! I somehow managed to miss that PJ Harvey was on there, I'd love to see her, too!

Boomer's avatar

I’m surprised to hear that Bloc Party, The Gossip and Keane are still around.

I know, right! 😄

the trek from one stage to another meant that I ended up missing or intentionally skipping loads of stuff I wanted to see

How long is the walk!? At Reading, Download etc. it's only a few minutes, but I know Glastonbury is on another level 😅

Thomas's avatar

It can depend. Something that stood out to me about Glasto in comparison to other festivals is that there's little separation between camping and the main festival. So everything's a bit more spread out. The real thing that makes a difference was the crowd, though. A festival like Reading or Latitude generally has a lot of space to walk through where it felt like at Glastonbury there were a lot of choke points. The main thing we learned by the last day is that the best way to have a good time at the main stage is to effectively stay there all day. We wanted to see Elton John and so we got there in the afternoon and stayed there, which wasn't a total bust or anything since it also meant we saw Blondie, Cat Stevens and Lil Nas X who were all brilliant.

I don't wanna sound too down on it, I definitely think everyone should go at least once, but I think as I get older I find crowds like that, and the lack of any kind of shade, a lot a harder to deal with.

Ford James's avatar

Somewhat of an underwhelming line up compared to the last few years I think! IMO Glastonbury - at least the main headliners - should be about seeing huge acts that don't just treat it like another stop on their tour, and most of the big names on there are acts you could see at various other venues around the country whenever you like.

That said, get a little further into the lineup and there are some excellent bands playing, albeit still ones you could see elsewhere. My top three would be Bloc Party, Yard Act, and Fontaines DC, though I have seen the latter two multiple times before! The Streets and Arlo Parks would round out my top five.

Boomer's avatar

I was about to say festivals like Wachen, Werchter, and Pukkelpop might be better for the big names, but there's a lot of crossover!

Sturmer's avatar

Not sure why Orbital is so deep in a list with so small font, but for me that's a great duo.

Thanks for the reminder!


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