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Retro Stu's avatar

One of the best plug ins I've found for me is Tonespace - a chord generator and visualiser.

It's been such a time saver and a great way for me to try different chord progressions without needing to have any keyboard skills!

It was a little confusing to set up at first but once I got it going I could trigger the chords using one singular note be it playing it on a keyboard or drawing it in on the piano roll in my DAW.

DerRoteKonige's avatar

I see chord programs getting a lot of attention these days. I haven't tried any of the generators, personally, but I am a big fan of using different midi tracks, such as prearranged chord progressions. Some might call these programs 'cheating' but, my apologies, I haven't had the time or ability to practice everyday for the last whatever years, constantly learning more and more.

This just opens doors for more people to expand on their personal creative endeavors. Many people would luv to make their own music but, without any instrument knowledge, that avenue is pretty much barred for them.

Sturmer's avatar

ironically, but I'm using physical devices =) Korg mini, KORG NTS-1, Pocket Operator


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