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Laura's avatar

Never Going To Give You Up - Rick Astley?

Laura's avatar

Hmm you said band. Back to the drawing board I go

Boomer's avatar

Good guess, but not the music video I'm looking for! 😊

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Sweet like chocolate? Can’t remember who made it

Boomer's avatar

It has that level of absurdity, but not quite 😊

Thomas's avatar

Good spot! I was thinking it was Don't Speak by No Doubt

Boomer's avatar

It has that 90s vibe, even after all the editing 😄

Boomer's avatar

Nailed it!

I just pulled a still from the YouTube video then cropped and messed with it a bit in the basic Photos app on my laptop. I'll have to edit it a bit more next time! 😆

Your turn 😁

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’ll say that it’s a pretty well known music video for how weird it is and this screen shot is roughly half way through its runtime.

Boomer's avatar

I was so sure I had it! 🤔


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