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FUN INC's avatar

I don't know - i am super intrigued by it - i suspect new front person and maybe US tour, or maybe even a few festival dates maybe? It wont be the same though. I can't listen to some of those songs anymore without getting pretty upset thinking of the real meaning behind them and the anguish and emotional turmoil that CB was going through.

Scrbzy's avatar

There's been a lot of talk about a new singer joining, I think a few names including Deryck Whibley have been dropped although, he's come out and said that he has nothing to do with it.

I suspect it will be a new front person and tour, although the scale of which I have no idea.

FUN INC's avatar


New Album & Tour

Emily Armstrong from Dead Sara

Paul's avatar

Personally I dont think they should keep the name Linkin Park if they have a new singer only because they will never have the same sound and with her being female itl sound even more different. That said im interested in hearing new things from them.

Damien Mason's avatar

Linkin Park didn't have the same sound from its third album onwards. Every single one was different because experimentation is in their DNA.

Apple is still Apple without Steve Jobs, contrary to what people think. I don't believe we should hold bands hostage when they've built their name from the ground up as a team. Starting from scratch just seems particularly unfair, especially when new music with a new singer doesn't take away old music with Chester.

Paul's avatar

There sound changed together, it evolved as most bands do. Chester wasn't some guy in a chair he was the lead singer, that goes alot towards the sound and feel of the band.

Having heard a preview with the new singer I dont feel its a good fit. Thats just me though.

Damien Mason's avatar

I'd absolutely say the same is true for this new line-up. Mike quite obviously led the writing process for this new song because it's very similar to previous albums with elements of Minutes to Midnight and The Hunting Party. Personally, I feel Chester would've fit in the new song perfectly if he was around, showing me that the song structure is incredibly similar to what came before. It's fine not to like her or her voice, particularly because she brings an aggressive quality without the nuanced melancholy Chester had, but I don't think the overall sound is inherently different with this one song.

The new drummer is also a prolific songwriter with credits including Hands Like Houses' Anon, some of Papa Roach's new stuff, and Story of the Year's latest. Just a personal thing but I liked all of those, so he might bring a distinct flavour. It's just too soon to tell.

My point still stands that you can dislike the new direction but respect that it's still Linkin Park. I'm really not a fan of the suggestion that the name should change and people should have to start again when we wouldn't impose that same suggestion in any other industry should members of a team leave or pass away. Them moving forward doesn't take anything away from the music that came before.


I understand they want to capitalize on the name and on the fan base but on this I kind of agree, they could have made a better thing to just put the name Linkin Park to rest, use it for album reprints and the occasial "30 years celebration for old time sake concert" but then move on and start anew, new singer, new drummer, new start.


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