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Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

I was thinking that the song:

-“Crazy little thing called love” from Queen was a Elvis Presley song 🫣

Paul's avatar

When I was younger, I always thought Mad World was by REM.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

Yes sounds very similar to

Please don’t laugh about me but in my Childhood l was thinking that the song BROKEN GLASS from Blondie was singing by THE BEE GEES 🫣

Retro Stu's avatar

I can be excused as they really aren't to my taste but whenever we're in the car if Kelly Clarkson is on the radio I will, every time without fail, turn to my wife and say "Is this Katy Perry?"

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

Yes there are easy to confuse

In the 80’s we was having a singer named REGINA that make popular the song BABY LOVE

Later when MADONNA came out l was thinking that was Regina 🤭

Try to hear Baby Love sounds 100 % like 80’s Madonnas but Regina was first

Rixx Javix's avatar

Even though I know better sometimes when I hear Tears For Fears - "Sowing The Seeds Of Love" I still think it is the Beatles singing it.


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