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Kethervir's avatar

Nice question!

Actually I use 3 different headphones:

  • Pcun B-01S is the cheaper one, just for everyday stuff, like carrying around, watch a tv series in bed, i consider it preatty almost a battle headphones. Is very very cheap, but it works great! have a natural noise cancelling, wireless and cable mode, usbC, microphone, buttons for volume, call answer, skip song and nice bass boost with enough volume power.

  • Trust GXT 322c is my choice to use it as a Streamer or ingame in general... these are simply great, it have a nice microphone, that is possible to bypass and a wheel instead buttons, to adjust the volume that i found very useful, and especially doesn't crackling at all after a lot of year.. also the long thick cable is very good and resistent, and the sound is always clean with great bass boost without enheancing too much.

  • As a Composer, i need also a third pair of headphones to use in the studio. Here my choice is on AKG k240 mk II. Is a semiopened headphones that guarantee you the perfect clean sound without boost at all. This is works great if you need specifically to work with real sound that you can hear from instrument, bbecause otherwisse, esspecially when you work with Synths and electronic sstuff, the risk is to have a ssoun in hear altered, and when you listen to other speaker the sound is altered and is not what you suppesed create at the beginning, so you need sspecial headphone to guarantee you to have the cleanest sound without boosting the frequency, that is very common with the popular ones. But caarefull because with this is unsatisfactory trying to listen music just to enjoy it. in fact you will found the sound very flat, so is just a tool for who make music.

Shovel's avatar

I am currently using my Apple Air Pods Pro! If they're dead then it's my Beats :) I have been finding myself opting for the old school wired earphones from apple again though recently.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

This all about what you like... and personal prefernce.

This here is my current Endgame:

Audeze LCD-X + Cambridge Audio DAC Magic 2

Took me multiple hours to choose the right one but this one got me the "Noppenpanzer".

Also only try out what you can afford.
If you put a +5k Headset on & it appears to the ONE & ONLY you will get mad buying a diffrent one. So only put the stuff on you can afford.

Just googled the current Flagship from Sennheiser the "HD 800 S" ~ 1,2k Bucks.
Didn´t knew they got so expensive... also "audiophile Gaming" xD

Kane Carnifex's avatar

And for outside, no sport its the Bower & Wilkins PX7 S2

Just Noisecancelling is the key.


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