The dark and dangerous world of Nightingale contains many threats that are best tackled with friends. We want you to send us your best videos showing off Nightingale's multiplayer gameplay. It doesn't have to be combat gameplay, you could be exploring together, taking in the sights via umbrella, or taking some downtime in your community homestead.
We want footage that's at least 30 seconds long, but we're open to videos up to 20 minutes. Be sure to connect your social media accounts to verify that the footage is yours. And if it's not clear from the video itself, add some text to provide context.
Update 07/03: We've extended this bounty by one week to allow for more entries
already paid
$20 / 60
This reward closed to entries at 10:25am on March 15, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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