In a world of fire breathing dragons and psychic aliens my brave boi is a Duck it a leek. Also great veg choice. Love leeks.
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In a world of fire breathing dragons and psychic aliens my brave boi is a Duck it a leek. Also great veg choice. Love leeks.
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I love Farfetch'd and I'm glad that when he finally got an evolution it was something as perfect as Sirfetch'd
However, when it comes to my favourite, no-one else comes close to this one:
She's super cute and funny, and one of my favourite Smash characters, too
Farfetch'd is an underrated Pokemon to be fair! I think a lot of the Gen 1 Pokemon without any evolutions (back then, anyway) are some of the best overall - Tauros, Mr. Mime, Snorlax...
Catching Snorlax was one of my favorite Pokemon Red moments.
Farfetch'd is so great because its really emblematic of my favourite thing about Pokémon - sometimes they are making them up and just thinking...whatever!
Thundershocking mouse - call it the electric rat.
It's a snake? Yeah, call it snake but backwards.
We need another one? I Oh its missing something? GIVE IT A LEEK!
I dunno, that pokemon choice is a bit unlikely, a little unconvincing, slightly implausible may be even.....farfetched
I'll counter your question with another many other Pokémon come equipped with their own spoons?
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