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TrialByStory's avatar

Honestly for me it has to be Team Rocket. They're grounded(ish) but still a reasonable threat for the player. It's not a group of sports hooligans or school bullies that are more of an annoyance than anything else, but they don't swing too far in the other direction either of being a group actively trying to bring cataclysm to the world. And they grow with the player as we get stronger. At first they're just stealing pokemon then later we find them acting like a street gang with intimidation tactics, and pulling back the curtain later reveals them to be a full-fledged Mafia/Yakuza-type organization, and eventually we see hints that they're trying to go even bigger with reports of them creating a genetically engineered weapon that could've allowed them to fully take the reins of power, either openly or from the shadows. A lot of the later teams either don't grow beyond first impressions or are upfront with you pretty early on in terms of 'here's what we're trying to do, we're just working on actually getting there,' but going through Gen 1 (and 2 to a lesser extent) really felt like you were unraveling a mystery as you learned more about Team Rocket and what they were doing.

Sav's avatar

Team Rocket are definitely Yakuza vibes.

Seeing them in Japan was wild tbh.

Paul's avatar

The OG team rocket.

All the others are poor imitations.


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