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JHenckes's avatar

The best deck without a doubt is with Gardevoir, you'll often be able to deal 150 damage every turn because of Gardevoir's ability to give 1 psychic energy per turn to any pokemon!


aww im sure i already have that card, i will double check!

Sturmer's avatar

Yea, Gardevoir is a must.
Obviously, bread and butter cards to pull the Mew like Professor's Research.
Weezing and Hypno can both be handy for playing offensive and defensively because you do not want to lose EX mon to the opponent.

Sabrina is also worth looking for, as it allows you to manipulate the active mon.


awesome tips thank you, im not sure i have sabrina card yet, will have a look

Boomer's avatar

Excellent! Have you played many PvP matches? I've only been doing the Vs computer matches so far, so I don't really know how people are designing their decks.

I have an idea for an easily repeatable discussion that could be quite fun! I'll share the first one this afternoon 🙂


Yeah I’ve tried a few and I don’t think I’ve won any yet, beer the cpu fine but not other players lol always think I am doing well then they pull something smart or their ex card destroys me lol

Boomer's avatar

That's what I'm worried about so I thought I'd train a little longer 😝

Maybe we could sign a few people up for a battle over the holidays?


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