Technology is pretty rad, isn't it? Pretty much everything we use in our daily lives has been affected by technology at some point unless you're living out in the wild with no connection to civilisation, but if that's the case, how are you considering entering this bounty?!
Thanks to this, our homes are full of gadgets with many different purposes. So this bounty is simple: we want you to record your favourite gadget that you own doing its thing. Bonus points here go to the more unorthodox submissions - we all like our televisions, but just recording Netflix for 10 seconds from your sofa is unlikely to earn you one of the seven $4 rewards available. Think outside the box!
already paid
$28 / 28
This reward closed to entries at 4:03pm on May 17, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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