Happy 18th Birthday the first iPhone!
Introducing the first iPhone on Apple's website on January 9, 2007!
What was your first iPhone if you ever owned one?
I’m think mine was the iPhone 4 📱
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Happy 18th Birthday the first iPhone!
Introducing the first iPhone on Apple's website on January 9, 2007!
What was your first iPhone if you ever owned one?
I’m think mine was the iPhone 4 📱
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The irony of this product is the marketing. Advertised as being an iPod, phone, and access to the internet when you already really need+ use is access to the internet
I imported an unlocked iPhone 1 from the US well before it came out in the UK. can’t remember where I bought it from, I guess EBay. I think I got the 3G a few years later so I could access the official AppStore once it launched instead of being stuck on old special iOS versions that were really hard to upgrade to while keeping it unlocked and working.
Was in perfect condition, but unfortunately it slipped out my hand and I dropped it into a full pint in the pub on a night out while very drunk. I assume that also forced the upgrade, can’t remember!
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