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Two Point Museum

Two Point Museum
Rich's avatar

I'll break the ice on the introductions: my name's Rich and I'm the content lead here at Just, which means I get to work with our lovely content managers Ford James and Alex Sinclair on coming up with reward ideas, reviewing your submissions, and generally making sure everything on the platform brings you joy.

I love management sims and have played a lot of the Two Point games, as well as many of the classics of the genre having been a PC gamer since the early '90s, and I'm really excited to be taking point on our Two Point Museum community!

If you need any help finding your feet on Just or have any questions about content, just tag me Rich, our community manager Boomer, or one of the other content managers. Looking forward to seeing you all around the platform!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey everyone,

I'm Alex, a content manager here at Just. You'll mostly find me in the Elite Dangerous and EVE Online communities, but you can bet your bottom dollar that I'm going to be getting involved here at Just Two-Point Museum too. Uncontrollably laughing at my mismanagement of wards in Theme Hospital is one of my earliest gaming memories, and while the genre has come on a long way since then, it's always held a place in my heart. As a game that naturally rewards creativity, I think Two Point Museum is an excellent fit for Just's rewards, and I'm very excited to see what you all come up with. Let the museum shenanigans commence!

Ford James's avatar

Hey folks, Ford here, the other content manager at Just. You'll mostly find me in our SMITE 2 community along with plenty of our spaces, including Tech, Sport, Music, Film & TV, and Content Creators. Welcome to the platform, enjoy yourselves as you enter rewards, and shout if you run into any issues!

Boomer's avatar

Hey folks, welcome to the platform! I'm Jason but most people call me Boomer, and I'm the community manager here at Just. Each of our communities are managed closely by either Rich, Alex Sinclair, or Ford James, but I'm here to focus on the general vibes right across the platform.

Not to echo the rest of our team too much, but I also grew up with games like Bullfrog Studios' Theme Park, Theme Hospital etc. so I'm excited to see what fun, creative things we can do with Two Point Museum 🙂

Feel free to tag me ( Boomer )if you have any questions or just want to say hi!

Fun fact - Bullfrog Studios' founder Peter Molyneux went to my school, albeit many years before I started 😆

PowerPlays's avatar

Hi Everyone!

I'm Harry from the YT channel Power Plays! I've been creating content for Two Point Studios all the way back to Two Point Hospital. I've always had a passion for games and one of my first was Theme Hospital so I jumped at a chance to work with Two Point Studios on all three of their titles.

I'm fairly active in the Two Point Studios Discord so if you ever get stuck hit me up in my YT comments section or tag me in the Discord and I'll help where I can!

Outside of Two Point I spend most of my time with my Husky called Panda, my Wife and my two young Twins.

Rupert's avatar

Welcome! It's great to have you here :)

MirceaStonehenge's avatar


My name is Mircea and had been so excited for Two Point Museum ever since it was first announced! With me growing up playing Theme Hospital and my love for history, making me a HUGE advocate for Museums, I knew this game would be a grand slam.

I'm around 45 hours of playtime in and feel like I haven't even scratched the surface. Huge congrats on the team for a successful release and I can't wait to experience more! <3

Pinstar's avatar

My name is Pinstar and I've been doing strategy and simulation games since I was a wee lad. My earliest memory of them being the original Sim City. I also played tons of the old Lionhead Studio games back in the day, especially Theme Hospital.

I've extensively covered every Two Point Studios game released thus far, coming up with tips, tricks and builds to help casual and pro players alike. Two Point Museum is no exception!

My YouTube channel can be found here: https://Https://

Jackdoor's avatar

Hey all, im Jsckdoor, iv had a youtube channel for nearly 3 years and loved every moment so far. Iv learnt so much in this time from editing, thumbnail design, story telling and engaging the audience too!

Iv had a heavy focus on Two Point Studio games and have teamed up with the studio to bring all three of their titles to my channel.

Alongside this, im a husband to my wife Rebecca and daddy to my 3yr old. Plus I have a very neady cat, Skittles!


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