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Video Games
Thomas's avatar

I think it's more in line with Apple Arcade, which has been great for indies as far as I can tell. They already have a big user base too so I think it'll be pretty good for them. I do wish I could download it onto my PS5 though, the first Oxenfree was brilliant

Alexander Thompson's avatar

I don't mind if getting these games is an additional benefit of being a Netflix member (which does not apply to me as their sub options/policies are stupid). But when Into The Breach launched on Android, a game I'd happily pay for again to play on mobile, it was locked only to Netflix members - you couldn't buy it separately.

I hope they don't do the same with Oxenfree 2.

Presumably Netflix are throwing some crazy exclusivity money at the devs but is there a danger that by reducing your potential player base to only Netflix subscribers that the long term interest in your titles fades and makes it harder to pitch the next one once the Netflix money dries up?

Tom's avatar

Good point! I get that they need to keep things fresh but, as someone who just subscribes for the TV & Film stuff, having to pay an extra £2-3 each month over the last couple of years is pretty annoying if that's going towards games I'll never play. They're going to have to change their model to include different packages, and that feels like a house of cards waiting to tumble IMO

Tom's avatar

Holly, is Oxenfree a fav of yours? Are you worried about it potentially becoming a Netflix exclusive?

Craig's avatar

It would be good if Netflix put any effort into the promotion. I had to find out on Twitter, months after its release, that Immortality was free on iOS for Netflix subscribers. Been playing about with Xbox's Cloud Gaming on my phone recently and, with proper touch-screen integration, it'll be the way to go. An unbroken platform needs a big name like Microsoft or Sony behind it to be successful.

Annette's avatar

idly watches demo

ears prick up

Night In the Woods? + Dark? That exists?! Yes please!

Thomas's avatar

You should play it, it's so good! It's a lot spookier and more supernatural than Night In The Woods but I definitely think if you like NITW you'd love Oxenfree


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