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Video Games

Video Games
Thomas's avatar

I'm definitely curious to see how it goes for them. My feeling at the moment is that there's not really anything particularly new about what they're doing, and that it being locked to mobile hampers it a bit. However, if they can figure out deals with Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo to get the subscription service working on their consoles I could see it being a pretty big deal. I feel like that's a big if, though, since they would be directly competing with the platform-holders own subscription services.

My other thought is that I'm definitely getting to a point where I have subscription fatigue and find myself longing for the days of DVD boxsets, and basically never use game subscription services. There's something comforting about owning something and knowing that you have it indefinitely, but I don't think the subscription bubble's gonna burst anytime soon or anything

Matt's avatar

I have Game Pass and that's it. I bought Ass Creed Valhala in a sale recently, but apart from that, I haven't bought a game in years. I guess I enjoy them, but I don't feel like I need to own them. I've only rarely played a game more than once (and I don't finish maybe 90% of games anyway). Would I pay for another games subscription? I doubt it.

I have cut back on my other subs though. I think you have to accept you can't watch everything no matter what the next best prestige show is.

What interests me about Netflix and games is the commitment to long term, pace and starting small(ish). Where a company like Google goes "we've got a new system, new technology, our own studios, a big deal games exec and new games!" and then crashes out after three years, knowing full well it takes five years to get one game out, let along everything else. That approach never made sense from day one.

MrTomFTW's avatar

I am so stuck between thinking competition is good because who wants a big monopoly or duopoly, and thinking I'm absolutely sick of all these big corps expecting us to have 101 different subscriptions. It's enough to send people back to the seven seas.

At the moment though, in regards to Netflix. I'm past gaming on my phone. Although having something a lot more curated than the disgusting scrum of the Google/Apple app stores does have it's appeal...


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