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Video Games

Video Games
Rich's avatar

I'd always recommend anyone to pick up the Hitman reboots. Best stealth sandboxes out there bar none. Big discounts on AC Odyssey and Valhalla too, which are among the better entries in that series IMO, especially the latter. Good sale!

Joel's avatar

Hard to look past Hitman IMO, but the whole thing really is playing fast and loose with the term 'stealth...

Damien Mason's avatar

Oh definitely. Dishonored is deserving. The amount of palpitations my Siege enemies have given me from jumping out convinces me it belongs even though it doesn't. Don't think I'd ever have described Rise of the Tomb Raider as a stealth game, though.

Damien Mason's avatar

Screw it, Rich and Joel . I bought Hitman.

Joel's avatar

Good work - you won't regret it

MrTomFTW's avatar

Dead By Daylight is £5.99 right now in the sale. It's a great big love letter to horror and I've stuck about 300 hours into it so far.

I sometimes still yelp when Ghostface suddenly appears and grabs me, that sneaky bastard.


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