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Video Games
Thomas's avatar

I really want to play it, but I think I'll have to wait until after Armored Core because it sounds like there's zero chance I'd complete it before then. I've never played a CRPG before, but I like D&D and other TTRPGs, so it seems like a great opportunity to get into them

Damien Mason's avatar

I only started playing DnD this year in my first campaign (I'm a flamboyant bard that exclusively plays maracas...). I have to say, Baldur's Gate 3 is helping me get to grips with 5e rules a bit quicker, especially considering our (digital) tabletop sessions aren't very regular. Plus, the gripping intro and basic call to action have me hooked in the two hours I've played.

Rich's avatar

I found the same! I'm playing sorcerer and Baldur's Gate 3's representation of the (convoluted but powerful) metamagic system has helped to solidify its possibilities in my head.

I played a fair bit of 5E before my gaming group splintered. Even during Early Access I was shocked at how faithful it is, it literally is digital DnD.

MrTomFTW's avatar

God I'm so tempted by BG3 because it really does look good, but I know I'll not get into it, and even if I did I wouldn't have the time to PROPERLY get into it

I mean, Disco Elysium is right there, I think I put 4 hours or so into that? So that's still on my "I'll play that one day, honest" backlog list

Thomas's avatar

Oh my goodness, play Disco Elysium

Lanah Tyra's avatar

'sorry boss but I would need double of the usual annual leave allowance so I can play all the awesome games which came out this year'

Do you think it's a fair enough reason? 😂

Don't know when will I have a chance to check it out but that 9/10 score is really promising.


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